In 2021, about 2,650 men are expected to be diagnosed with the disease, and an estimated 530 men are expected to die from breast cancer. For men, the lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer is about 1 in 833.
White women are slightly more likely to get breast cancer than others. Black women,however, are often diagnosed later with higher mortality rate due to common misconceptions about breast cancer and other factors.
Breast cancer mortality is more than 42% higher for African American women in the U.S. than Caucasian women.
My Story
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris rutrum cursus mi, vitae sodales lorem luctus quis. Mauris lectus neque, vestibulum vel imperdiet et, egestas sit amet augue. Vestibulum imperdiet, sapien quis tincidunt pretium, erat est porttitor metus, in sollicitudin risus felis sed sem. Nulla ut aliquam sem. Vestibulum eget augue tempor, consequat orci et, lacinia lacus. Maecenas at semper quam, eget imperdiet tortor. Aliquam ac ex commodo, pretium nunc sed, feugiat elit. Donec sodales tempus odio a auctor. Praesent fermentum dictum massa sed porta.
Nullam ornare, sapien consequat condimentum varius, massa nulla interdum velit, id interdum magna mi viverra tortor. Aliquam aliquam efficitur nibh. Ut sagittis, mi ut placerat sagittis, arcu est malesuada magna, at pretium sapien magna a justo. Vestibulum fermentum risus eu magna finibus, faucibus rutrum ex suscipit. Suspendisse elementum risus ac ipsum hendrerit dictum.
Nulla facilisi. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce varius viverra nisl, a ornare sem pulvinar sit amet. Vivamus a leo nec felis consequat mollis quis sed libero. Maecenas nisi arcu, lacinia sit amet quam vel, vehicula condimentum quam.
“ I vow to help other people of color learn about breast cancer, even if it’s just one person. ”
– Vina Morris
Who We Are
Afropink, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness of detecting breast cancer early within the African-American community. We aim to dispel myths, encourage preventative healthcare, and inform of resources to assist with screenings to help decrease the 42% higher chance that Black women have of dying from breast cancer than any other race.
What We Do
Dispel common myths of breast cancer within the Afro-American community.
Encourage preventative healthcare for early detection to decrease
Inform of resources available for screenings and other preventative health care support to decrease healthcare disparities within our community.
Digital Impressions
Virtual Events
Members Worldwide
Funds Raised
What We AIM to Achieve
Our goal is to increase awareness of breast cancer with 10,000 impressions, obtain 100 volunteers, raise $10,000 and do 3 virtual events by December 31, 2020.
You can be part of us
Black women have a 42% higher chance of dying from breast cancer than any other race. Sign-up to learn how help us decrease the 42%.
Impact Stories
We want to share your battle and survival stories. Please send us your stories and we will post them to help others.